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Most Useful PHP Snippets

Here we have some set of Useful PHP Snippets, which are useful for PHP Developers. That you can easily add in your projects and help you save your time. Most Useful PHP Snippets 1) Check if a date today's date $date =…

Install CakePHP 3 using Composer

In this tutorial we will guide you how to Install CakePHP 3 Using Composer step by step. CakePHP uses Composer, a dependency management tool, as the officially supported method for installation. Through Composer it's simple and easy to…

How to Remove empty array elements in PHP

You can use the PHP array_filter() function remove empty array elements or values from an array in PHP. This will also remove blank, null, false, 0 (zero) values. array_filter() function The array_filter() function filters elements or…

PHP program to print Heart Star Pattern

In this article write a PHP program to print Heart Star Pattern using asterisk (*) symbol. We run for loop 10 times, in which you have two outer for loops which contains nested for loops to print Heart Star Pattern of stars as shown in the…