C++ Program to print Inverted half pyramid pattern using * (asterisk)

In this article we will write a C++ Program to print Inverted half pyramid pattern using asterisk. This Program first takes the numbers of rows and uses nested for loops to print Inverted half pyramid pattern.

C++ Program to print Inverted half pyramid pattern using asterisk

//C++ Program to print Inverted half pyramid using * (asterisk) pattern

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;

int main()
   int i, j, row;

   cout << "Enter number of rows: ";
   cin >> row;
   // outer loop is responsible for rows
   for(i = row; i >= 1; i--)
      //inner loop is responsible for columns
      for(j = 1; j <= i; j++)
         cout << "* ";
	  // give line breaks after ending every row
	  cout << "\n";

   return 0;

When the above C++ program is compile and run, this will produce the following result:

C++ Program to print Inverted half pyramid pattern using asterisk

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